Sunday, January 29, 2012


I have named this piece “growth”.  When I first started this piece I had the idea of how things grow and change throughout life.  Life is constantly changing and can go in different directions then you thought. That is why I used a lot of different shapes and sizes in this piece.  I also wanted to add a touch of life in this piece by adding texture; I wanted to give it the feel of human skin. I want when people to look at it and see that is moving and growing into something grand. Like how us college students are going through changes and turning into the adults that we want to be.
I first started by making three small models with the idea of it looking like it is changing and growing. I then took elements from all three models that I like.  I feel like some of my smaller models was a little over done so I tried to stick with shapes that didn’t look like something exploded on it since that is not what I am going for.

I feel like my piece how turned out the way I wanted it to.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Project 1- 3D Glass

My glasses represent things that are important in my life. I used green floral tape as the background because the green represents nature, which is something I care about. I used a cameo in the middle because I love cameos and vintage looking things. In the stones I put pictures of different animals (I love all animals), a praying Buddha (which represents my spiritual faith), a painting of a mother and her three children (this represents my mother and siblings), books (because I like to read), rooms (because I am an Interior Design major) and two of my idles Lady Gaga and Audrey Hepburn. All the stones show images of of thing that are important to me and I used the stones to make the images look like the are in a bubble which means to me they are my "own perfect bubbles." Then I added glitter to the glasses because I love glitter and shinny things.

Over all I think my glasses turned out the way I wanted and I feel they represent my life.
Thank you,
Dana Hall

My Bio

Hello my name is Dana Hall. I am a junior at UNA and I am a Interior Design major. I took art in high school but my art teacher really limited what we could do so i lost alot of my passion for it. I rediscovered my passion for creating things when I started taking my interior design classes. I like be creative and makeing things.  Some artist who inspire me is Andy Warhol, Jenn Mann, Ann Marshall, Amy Brown, Pino Daeni, John William and many more. My sister has a degree in art history and she has introduced me to alot of art that I probably would have never seen.